Tuesday, September 1, 2020

Pruning and Protecting

 Here we are at the first day of September.  Traditionally, September might be a month of change:  summer shifts into the school year, and we sense a change in the seasons.  But for 18 years, I've been on a different schedule, in a school that has an odd quarter system, down in South Florida where we are still months away from cooler weather.

It's still a fine time to think about a shift, a time to make new resolutions, a time to think about what's working and what still needs some attention.

This morning at the end of the morning watch broadcast that I do from my church's Facebook page, I invited us to think about God as a gardener, pruning away the dead branches and protecting the new growth.  Unlike some of the language of parables, I don't like the idea of our lives being dead trees that need to be thrown into the fire.

I prefer to use the idea of pruning as a way of thinking about our lives.  What needs to be pruned away?  What needs to be protected?  What fertilizer do we need?  How can we get enough water for that which wants to sprout in us?

1 comment:

Sarah said...

This is a lovely thought - and very timely, as we are in a "reset" as a culture right now. I will continue meditating on this.