Friday, September 25, 2020

Compounding Goodness

We are about 40 days away from the election.  I'd been thinking about the number of weeks rather than the number of days, so I was surprised to see this post from Diana Butler Bass that told me that we're 40 days out.

She suggests that we treat these 40 days as a Lenten period.  She implores us to pray.  We could pray for candidates or for the health of the nation.  We could pray for those who vote and for those who are part of the process.  We could also offer prayers of thanks.  And don't forget those prayers of praise:  "Even now, especially now, praise is possible, and it is the song of life. Give yourself moments of wonder."

She reminds us that prayer may not be enough.  She suggests an additional action each day.  That action could encompass a host of possibilities:  lighting a candle, attending a protest, volunteering at the polls.  We could donate money or time.  We could write postcards to voters or postcards to others who need encouragement.  We could write letters to legislators.

It's good to remember that we're not powerless.  We're not living under a dictatorship, although it may feel like it at times.  It's important to take these actions, because, as Bass reminds us, "Heartfelt, even wordless, prayers speak magic into the universe. Small actions add up, daily acts compound goodness."

Go out and compound goodness--just a different way of saying what Jesus taught us long ago.

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