Tuesday, September 15, 2020

Litany of Lament from St. Mark's Lutheran in Conshohocken, PA

Yesterday, a Facebook friend made this Facebook post, which included a powerful liturgy.  It was what I needed this morning, so I'm posting it here.  Others might need it too--and I'm likely to want to return to it.

What an effective lament the folks of St. Mark's Lutheran Church, Conshohocken, PA, used this morning. How much we have lost. Have much we are grieving. At the same time, God is faithful and present.
Blessed be the holy Trinity, ☩ one God, who creates, redeems, and sustains us and all of creation. Amen.
Litany of Lament
God, we raise our voices to you this day, joined with the songs of Scripture, to pray for peace in our hearts and minds. Lord grant us this mercy. For a lost sense of community, For closed in-person worship, For unsung hymns, For unspoken prayers, For meals not had, For memories never made. Loving God, We Lament.
Restore to [us] the joy of your salvation, and sustain in [us] a willing spirit. (Psalm 51)
For those who are missing family and friends, For those longing for company, For those who cannot be together, Loving God, We Lament.
Restore to [us] the joy of your salvation, and sustain in [us] a willing spirit.
For lost wages, For those missing work, For those furloughed and laid off, For shuttered businesses, For those facing closure and bankruptcy. Loving God, We Lament
For canceled concerts, For dances dropped, For empty stages, For games and matches not played, For truncated or lost seasons, performances and tours. Loving God, We Lament.
Restore to [us] the joy of your salvation, and sustain in [us] a willing spirit.
For misunderstandings, For fear and distrust, For confusion and disillusionment, For frustration and stress. Loving God, We Lament
Restore to [us] the joy of your salvation, and sustain in [us] a willing spirit.
For those facing death, For those in isolation, For those battling illness, For those who have died. Loving God, We Lament
Restore to [us] the joy of your salvation, and sustain in [us] a willing spirit.
For those who are exhausted, For those working extra hours, For those feeling weak, For those desperate for rest. Loving God, We Lament
Restore to [us] the joy of your salvation, and sustain in [us] a willing spirit.
For we know you are a God of steadfast love and you do not abandon us in times of trouble. When Noah faced the raging storm in the ark You were there!
When Moses journeyed through the wilderness towards the Promised Land You were there!
When Daniel faced the lions You were there!
When Jonah went to Nineveh You were there!
When Esther faced her captors You were there!
When the disciples faced the raging storm You were there!
When the disciples gave up hope on the road to Emmaus You were there!
When Paul was in prison You were there!
When the world seems to unravel You ARE here!
Restore to [us] the joy of your salvation, and sustain in [us] a willing spirit.

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