This week, I'll be giving away books that are somehow tied to NPR. Here's the one that you'll know about, plus there will be a surprise.
Leave a comment, and I'll enter you into a drawing for this book. In one week, I'll draw a name, and if you're the lucky person, I'll contact you and mail you not only this book, but a surprise book too.
Susan wins the book, plus extras. But Karen will win some books too. All I need now are mailing addresses. You could send your mailing address to me at kristinlba at (with the @ sign rather than the word spelled out).
I'm a lifelong Lutheran, and although I'm aware of some of the problems with Liberation Theology, it has spoken to me for much of my adolescent and adult life. All of the thoughts on this blog are mine (or those of commenters), and I don't intend to speak for any other Lutherans or Liberation Theologians.
A poet, a scholar, an administrator, a wanna-be mystic--always wrestling with the temptation to run away to join an intentional community--but would it be contemplative? social justice oriented? creative? in the mountains? in the inner city?--may as well stay planted and wrestle with these tensions and contradictions here, at the edge of America.
Click on the image of the cover to order a copy of my chapbook of poems at pre-publication price.
My Poetry and Creativity Blog
To read my posts on creativity, poetry, and a host of related topics (and the occasional poem of mine), go here. You can also order both of my chapbooks from links on the creativity blog or contact me to purchase a signed copy of either book.
Yes, please@
This looks like a great read!
Susan wins the book, plus extras. But Karen will win some books too. All I need now are mailing addresses. You could send your mailing address to me at kristinlba at (with the @ sign rather than the word spelled out).
Looks fascinating! Please add me to the drawing..thanks!
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