I have been feeling a bit dry and withered as a blogger this past week. Some weeks, I have more ideas than I can use. Then I hit a dry spot.
I've been writing for decades, so dry spots don't freak me out as much as they once did. I know that the trick is to just keep going, to show up at the desk, to trust that all of my dry spots have led me to an oasis in the distance that I didn't realize was there.
I've also been thinking theologically, thinking about all the passages in the Bible that promise that the dried out bones of our lives are not the only reality. Once I assumed that we got the dry and dusty passages because of the part of the world where the Bible writers lived. Now I recognize a universal metaphor when I see one.
I spent part of the week-end packing up books to get ready for the great flooring project. As I packed up my theology books, I reflected on how much more time I used to have to read. And that reading helped to feed my writing life.
I've heard this time of the writing life referred to as "the well going dry." Let me look for ways to fill the well that fit with my current life.
thinking too hard
5 years ago
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