I have been able to continue my daily reading of the book of John, a practice that I started at the end of my onground intensive for my certificate in spiritual direction. I continue to be intrigued by what leaps out at me--I'm going through John, a chapter a day, for the 3rd time. I've also been reading another Gospel chapter by chapter. Last month it was Mark. This month it's Matthew.
I've been using the Bible Gateway site which lets me choose the version of the Bible I read. I almost always read The Message, but sometimes others as well. I'm intrigued by the language that Eugene Peterson uses. There's language that I think will feel dated in a few decades. But more delightful is the language that makes me see the passage in a new way.
This morning, I read the ninth chapter of Matthew, and this language jumped out at me, from chapter 29: "He touched their eyes and said, 'Become what you believe.'”
Here's the same verse from the New Revised Standard Version: "Then he touched their eyes and said, 'According to your faith let it be done to you.'”
It's an interesting shift in verbs--the Message gives the believer more agency. The NRSV is more passive.
Now, back to your regularly scheduled coverage of the end times: corona virus, stock market slide, choose your horse, choose your rider.
thinking too hard
5 years ago
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