I've been impressed with how many people are broadcasting Compline, or some other form of evening prayer. A few days ago, I had the idea to do some sort of morning version, and I decided to call it Morning Watch. I would do a Facebook Live broadcast from the church Facebook Page.
Yesterday was supposed to be the first broadcast. I thought I understood the process, but I couldn't ever get the camera to turn on. I went over to my own Facebook page and thought I was broadcasting. It wasn't until I looked for the button to stop the broadcast that I realized I had never started. And then, I was broadcasting when I clicked on something.
I pivoted. I read the Psalm again along with a closing prayer. I wasn't real pleased with the broadcast quality, but I left it up anyway. I have hopes that one day I'll look back and marvel at how far I've come, how much of an amateur I once was.
Plus, lots of people left a comment to tell me how much it meant to them.
This morning, I did a longer version. I used the selections for this day in Phyllis Tickle's The Divine Hours--many of the readings seemed handpicked for today, with their references to suffering adversity and God being with us. Then I was silent for 5 minutes to allow for some individual prayer, meditation, and/or journaling in image or in words. Then I closed with some words of prayer.
I ended by saying, "Take precautions, but don't let this pestilence paralyze you. Take care. Be well."
If you'd like to experience Morning Watch, I did record it, and you can view it here. I'll be doing a variation of Morning Watch at 5:30 a.m. (EDT) each week day morning--and maybe week-ends too. It's open to everyone, so feel free to join, either in real time or later in the day.
thinking too hard
5 years ago