Friday, August 30, 2019

Prayers for Those in the Path of the Storm

I have had trouble sleeping for a variety of reasons. But the major reason is Hurricane Dorian, which is likely to come too close to my house for comfort.

At this point, there's not much that can be done. But we can pray. 

I have always felt weird about praying about the path of hurricanes. For one thing, I'm not sure that God gets involved in the laws of physics that way.

But for another, I'm aware that if I'm saved by the hurricane going elsewhere, it means doom for someone else.

But if we can't pray in the face of a force of destruction, when can we pray?  Here are some prayers that others have written.  I found this posted on Facebook, originally posted on the ELCA Worship page as Hurricane Harvey approached:

"We pray for those in the path of Hurricane Harvey:

Merciful God, when the storms rage and threaten to overtake us, awaken our faith to know the power of your peace. Deliver us from our fear and ease our anxiety. Help us to endure the time of uncertainty and give us strength to face the challenges ahead. Give us the assurance of your presence even in this time so that we can cling to your promise of hope and life shown to us through Jesus Christ, our Savior and Lord. Amen."

And here's a shorter prayer from Holden Evening Prayer:

"Grant weather that nourishes all of creation."

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