Monday, March 10, 2025

Week-end Recap: Wild Women and Sedate Sketching

Well, Spring Break is over for me as a teacher.  For me as a student, Wesley Theological Seminary has reading week this week, a sort of week off.  Unlike last semester, I don't have an onground intensive at the campus this week, so I'm hoping to make use of this time off to get some work done.

I am realizing that I am in the time of the semester when I will always feel like I am never going to feel caught up.  I am tired, and I am wondering what it would feel like to only have one job for pay.  I've rarely had that.  It's been hard for me to give up part-time teaching because I can't be sure that my full-time job, whichever one I've had in the past, will last.

Given the state of the country, I don't think I will ever feel sure that my full-time job will last or that I can count on Social Security or that my retirement funds will be safe.  But let me not focus on the things I can't control.

Let me do a quick recap of the week-end.  I spent much of it helping with a retreat, the Wild Women Week-end at Lutheridge.  I had a much easier commute than the last time I was here for the Wild Women Week-end back in 2003, the first one I ever attended, the one where I heard about the Create in Me retreat, which became my retreat of choice.

I was on hand to offer an optional workshop during the time right after lunch that had several optional options.  

I planned a few writing activities, like the free writing after choosing an object from the table, and the writing letters to ourselves from the point of view of our younger selves and older selves.  I tried to structure the time as a drop in kind of opportunity, and about 15 people came by.  They seemed enthusiastic, and I was happy to be part of their options.

The retreat itself was good, but it didn't tell me anything about Mary Magdalene that I didn't already know.  I am fairly sure that most of the retreat participants learned a lot; most of them likely haven't spent time researching the subject.  But it's the kind of topic that I don't mind revisiting.

Yesterday after I got back from a good day at church, preaching and presiding at Faith Lutheran in Bristol, Tennessee, I went over to one of my good friend's house in the neighborhood.  We sat in her downstairs studio and did some sketching and painting while we caught up with each other.  She has more art supplies (of the painting and paper variety) than I do, and she's happy to share.  It was very satisfying.

And now, back to a more regular schedule.  Let me try to get a walk in this morning.  It will be dark, which doesn't make me happy, but it will be better to do it this morning while my spirit is willing, as are my feet.

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