Monday, March 3, 2025

Launch Into Lent 2025

 Here we are in the last few days before Lent.  Tomorrow feels like part of Lent, even though it is not.  Let me collect some fragments.

--My sister and I have been thinking about ways to live healthier lives, ways to use Lent to undergird our efforts.  I have thought of some sort of point system, less complicated than the March Madness sports grids, but something that gives points and takes points away.  So, I might gain a point for every serving of fruits and vegetables, while losing a point for every alcoholic drink. I haven't worked out many details yet, but I wanted to capture this idea.

--I also love the idea of doing our Lenten disciplines not only for ourselves, but for the larger world.  In the example above, I like the idea of making decisions and gaining points and along the way,  using those points to help us remember to pray for the health of the larger world.

--I like the idea of adding something to our Lent, instead of denying ourselves.  But I do understand the power of denial.

--My thoughts about adding something tend to revolve around reading:  reading a poem a day, reading a devotional resource especially designed for Lent, reading my way through a book of the Bible.

--This year, I'm taking a seminary class that focuses on Christmas and Easter.  We will start exploring the Easter texts soon, and I think it will be interesting to go through Lent as we explore those texts.  I've enjoyed the deep dive into the Christmas texts which stretched Christmas into January and February.

--I need to write an Ash Wednesday sermon, which is challenging because the Ash Wednesday texts stay the same each year.  I want to say something different than last year, when I used some of my best ideas.  This year feels different:  my congregation has had more deaths and then, of course, there's the national and international changes. 

Let me finish this blogging so that I can move on to the other work of the day--and the joys of the first day of Spring Break at 2 of my schools.

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