Thursday, January 11, 2024

The Wisdom of the Quilt Group

Yesterday was a great day of quilting at Lutheran Church of the Nativity.  A group of us meets every Wednesday to make quilts for Lutheran World Relief.  I love the opportunity to do good in the world, and we have so many bins of fabrics that it's like being in fabric heaven.  But most of all, I love the chance to be with other women who have so much wisdom:

--We all know a lot about fabrics, quilting, and sewing machines.  We quilt in other parts of our lives too, so it's wonderful to hear about all the projects we're doing.

--Two of the members were there when decisions were made about the original building.  It's cool to hear about how the church was formed and how the land use decisions were made.

--Occasionally we have birthday cakes and salad lunches to celebrate each other.

--At yesterday's birthday celebration, we talked about how our younger selves and older selves are different, or not.  We talked about how we once saw older people as having different brains from the people they were when they were younger people, but now that we're older, our brains seem the same.

--I talked about how I am more willing to give people the benefit of the doubt, now that I am older.  Now I tend to believe that everyone is doing the best they can, that they are giving 100% or more of what they have.  Once, I viewed many people's efforts through a veil of suspicion.  That change is one of the major ways I'm less stressed.  Of course, it has also made higher ups mad at me, since many people who make it to positions of authority do not believe that everyone is doing their best.

We had less attendance in December, so we did more quilt top assembling, and I went through the bins to put fabrics together, which not everyone likes to do, but I love it.  Yesterday I got to see a lot of those choices as put together quilts--sweet!

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