Sunday, August 2, 2020

Holy Resilience, Holy Resistance

I spent a part of last week-end both taking photos and loading them to the computer.  I finished this sketch and took a photo:

When I went to upload it, I realized that I had misnamed earlier versions--not Holy Resilience, but Holy Resistance.  I like the idea of Holy Resistance too.  I've spent some time wondering if you can have one without the other.

To be resilient, one must have a certain amount of resistance to whatever events are making us need to be resilient.  And most of us have likely been surprised to know how many years/decades/lifetimes we're going to spend in resisting whatever evil has reared up to fight back.  That takes resilience.

So much resilience required--right now, many of us feel like we're running on fumes.  Let us commit to ways that we can strengthen and build up our reserves of resilience so that we can continue with the work of resistance.

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