Yesterday, instead of slipping away from the office to meet someone for lunch or coffee, I went to Michael's to get some art supplies for church. This week, we'll be creating mosaics on glass tiles--the same glass tiles that we used for our Pentecost project.
We'll be using primarily greens and blues, to keep with the liturgical seasonal color of green heading towards Advent. We'll see how it looks. It's an experiment, and the nice thing about this experiment is that if it doesn't work, it's not a big deal.
Last Sunday, as I walked around the sanctuary, I reflected on how lucky I am that I'm part of this current church--not only do I have fellow church members who are willing to do creative projects, but I have a pastor who's willing to let us put those projects into the worship space.
Part of my luck has to do with the lack of anyone else competing for the space. There's no committee jealously guarding the sanctuary. I've only heard from one elderly woman who misses the old paraments. She thinks our current approach to the worship space is messy. But most of the people who talk to me are appreciative.
As I removed the Pentecost banners that we made and stashed them on a high shelf in the office where I'll be likely to find them again next year, I wondered if I'm on the road to becoming the elder who doesn't want to change the worship space. I thought about a scenario 20 years from now, when I'm still clinging to these banners, remembering the members who helped me make them, remembering the Create in Me retreat community who left the materials on the table for others to take home with them. And then I laughed--should that scenario happen, I'll be the one wishing we used archival quality materials so that the banners had survived in better shape.
It's an interesting metaphor, these banners made of castaway scraps of material, glued onto long panels of fabric that were also castaway. It reminds me of many churches that are like mine, ragtag groups of castaways, gathering together each week to create something new.
thinking too hard
5 years ago
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