Tuesday, September 11, 2018

Trinitarian Flow

In Richard Rohr's meditation for today, I came across some interesting ideas that I want to record.  They're very different from the kinds of theology that many of us know and love/hate.

The first is the idea of God as a verb, not a noun.  This idea will seem radical enough for many.  But then he offers the idea that we are the fourth part of the Trinity:

"The Mystery of God as Trinity invites us into full participation with God—a flow, a relationship, a waterwheel of always outpouring love. God is a verb much more than a noun. Some Christian mystics taught that all of creation is being taken back into this flow of eternal life, almost as if we are a 'Fourth Person' of the Trinity, or as Jesus put it, 'so that where I am you also may be'" (John 14:3).

As I talk to people, I realize how foreign these ideas will seem.  If you want a relationship with Jesus as your personal savior, you may have trouble with Trinitarian theology.

Rohr goes even further:  "True Trinitarian theology offers the soul endless creativity—an open horizon. Trinitarian thinkers do not seem to have much interest in things like hell, punishment, or any notion of earning or losing. They are only overwhelmed by infinite abundance and flow."

How would our lives change if we truly believed that we were the 4th part of the Trinity?  

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