A week ago, I'd be headed to the Asheville airport. It's the tiniest airport I've flown out of, with only 8 gates total, so I expected that ours would be the only plane. Nope--Allegiant had a flight before mine, and American had a flight too.
It was a misty morning on the mountain, so I thought we might be stuck at the airport--nope, we left right on time.
Now I've been back a week, and that time on the mountain seems so long ago. What I may remember most is how hot it was. I landed on Friday, September 21. I was expecting some fall colors--nope, nothing. Plus, it was just as hot in Asheville as it was in South Florida when I left.
It was strange to be in the western part of the state knowing that much of the eastern half of North Carolina was dealing with the flood waters in the wake of Hurricane Florence. At one point earlier in the week, I had wondered if the hurricane might disrupt my travel plans, so it was doubly surreal to see no effects at all.
The cottage I stayed in had no AC, so I spent lots of time on Friday walking the grounds. At one point, I decided to sit on a rocker on the porch. I had brought my Copic Sketch markers with me, so I decided to draw. I'm glad that I did, because I didn't have a chance later.
Here's the sketch I made. I thought I didn't like it, but when I revisited it half a week later, I was pleasantly surprised.
It seemed appropriate to sketch on the porch at Lutheridge while waiting for the retreat to plan the Create in Me retreat. I first used Copic markers at the 2016 retreat; I'd have never bought such expensive markers without being able to try them first.
I'm sketching in an old sketchbook that I've repurposed to be my traveling sketchbook. I plan to take it and the markers with me on my autumnal journeys.
Here we are at the end of September--the month has zoomed right by. What will October bring?
thinking too hard
5 years ago