Today is the day after the feast day of Bernard of Clairvaux. My post about him is up at the Living Lutheran site. Go here to read it.
Here are some quotes to whet your appetite:
"Those of us interested in monasticism, both new and old, owe a debt to St. Bernard. He was responsible not only for founding his own monastery but for sending monks out to establish monasteries or to rescue already-formed monasteries from heretical directions. We give him credit for the founding of hundreds of monastic communities."
"We could give Bernard of Clairvaux credit for moving the church toward a more personal faith, although I imagine he would be horrified at the manifestations of those ideas of a personal relationship with Jesus that many of us have. He also played a part in elevating the status of Mary within the church."
"The feast day of Bernard of Clairvaux is a good day for some introspection. Are we living an integrated life in the best way that we can? How are we helping our communities? Is the way that we’re living our lives making the future church stronger or weaker?"
thinking too hard
5 years ago
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