Saturday, December 16, 2023

The Holy Trinity and the Renewal of the Church

My small group from the spiritual director certificate program has continued to meet, even after we all graduated.  We check in with each other, and if anyone has any questions/concerns about directees, we have a group to help process it all.  Of course, most of us aren't doing much as spiritual directors, so we don't spend much time problem-solving.

On Tuesday, I told my group that I was working on a paper where I had to explore the Holy Trinity, and parts of the theology that I didn't think really mattered to many 21st century Christians.  Was God alone at first, before God begat the Son and then the Holy Spirit?  Were they all together from the beginning?

One of my group, one who has spent much of her career being a seminary professor at Lutheran seminaries, and her face lit up at the thought of the Trinity.  She said that whenever the Church has been in a quandary about what to do, the Church has found the answer through considering the Trinity.  A study of the Trinity has renewed the vigor for God's work in the world--which happens through the Trinity.

I wanted to ask for specific examples, but I felt I had already used enough of my time talking about the Trinity--not every group member is as into theology as I am.  And even I, who am into theology, am not as interested in issues of the Holy Trinity as other issues.  

I thought about using her comments in the conclusion of my essay, but I went in a different way.  Still, my group member's comment stuck with me, and I want to record it here.

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