Thursday, July 20, 2023

Video Meditation for Sunday's Gospel

Yesterday, as I was thinking about past meditations on Sunday's Gospel, I came across the video that I made three years ago.  You can view it here:

I remembered making it, filming short segments during my morning walks and stringing them together.  I couldn't do much in the way of editing--the sound quality was what it was.  I couldn't remember much about the specific segments, so I watched it again.  Overall, I was pleased.

I described it this way:  "A different kind of sermon on Matthew 13:24-30, 36-43. Part parable, part video meditation, part poetry, part found art, part questions, part ambiguity and mystery, and hopefully some inspiration."  

It's a  much more meditative sermon than many will get this Sunday, and it's much less cerebral, much less of an exegesis.  I think that many people out there would like something more like this, less like the 20 minute+ rambles through a Gospel that many people get on Sundays.

As we think about how to do church differently, thinking about vastly different approaches to the worship service should be front and center.  Are my little videos vastly different?  Or maybe this question is better:  Are they different enough?

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