Sunday, October 25, 2020

Call to Worship for Reformation Sunday (on Video)

 For the past several weeks, I've been recording the call to worship for our pre-recorded worship service.  I volunteered to both write and record a call to worship for both Reformation Sunday and All Saints Day.  Below is the recording and below that, the words that I read:

Let us remember Martin Luther John Calvin and all the earliest reformers of the Catholic church.

We also celebrate later reformers, the Azusa Street revivals, the different fruits of the spirit through the ages. 

We celebrate people like Dorothy Day, Martin Luther King, Archbishop Romero, and all those who called us, who continue to call us to remember our mission to work for justice.

We give thanks for monastics and all who help us remember and recover traditions to nourish us.

In this time where se wee such need for reformation, revive us and open our hearts to your vision.

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