On a Facebook post, Wendy Russel talked about how she had kept the conversation about star words going with her church group, and I'm posting them here so that I can find them again later (if you need more background information about the use of star words, go to this post):
Week 1- draw word and talk about how to use the word as your lens through which God may be calling you to look at your life
Week 2 - look for a scripture passage that resonates with you in light of you word and then look for one or more passages you completely do not get the application and all God to reveal the lesson or healing or peace you are to receive
Week 3- find as many antonyms for your word as you can. Think about what the antithesis of you word is. Be ready to recognize when you find your self in that void and try to use your word to pull yourself out.
Week 4- find a hymn that brings you to your word
Week 5- look at all the Creeds ( in the UMC we have multiple Creeds at our disposal at the back of the hymnal) and discover how your word fits and calls you into a right relationship with God
Week 6- look at the communion liturgy in all elements and find how your word calls you into communion
Week 7- look at the baptismal covenant and see how God is calling you to a life of discipleship thru your word.
In the Facebook thread, some people wondered how to adopt these ideas to Lent. I made this comment:
For those of us thinking about star words and Lent, someone had posted in a different post that they were doing something similar for Transfiguration Sunday, but calling them cloud words. Combining cloud words with the ideas above could take a church through the Lenten season. I also liked the Stations of the Cross suggestion. Another possibility that popped into my mind was the last words of Jesus--my pastor has created a sermon series for Lent around the last words, and I wonder if doing something with star/cloud words and the last words of Jesus on the cross might lead to new revelations.
thinking too hard
5 years ago
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