This day has always felt almost sacred to me. I've always been impressed with the Civil Rights movement, with how they stayed civilized, even when the agents of civilization (the police, the sheriff, the white establishment) seemed mad and crazed with rage. I've always been impressed with how they held fast to their beliefs, even when they flew in the face of what society might teach us. I've always been impressed with the changes that they wrought.
My younger self, that impatient nineteen year old, was impatient with how long social change took. My older self looks back at how far we've come and how quickly, and I suck in my breath and pray for continued success. A black president: my nineteen year old self would not have believed it would have happened in her lifetime. But it has.
At one point, having this day declared a holiday seemed an impossibility. I remember the first year the nation observed it. It was a much more quiet holiday in the 80's than it is today. Social change often seems slow, downright glacial--and then, we zoom ahead.
May we always be moving ahead. History also shows us that we can slip behind.
But let me also remember King's approach to history. In 1996, when I was feeling despair, my friend Shannon gave me my favorite Martin Luther King quote: "The arc of history is long, but it bends towards justice." I'm fairly sure he said this the night before he was killed, or perhaps it was the night before the night he was killed.
Today is a day to dream big and bold visions. We could change our society. We could make it better, bending towards justice. What would that society look like?
We have to dream that dream before we can achieve it. We have to find the courage to hold tightly to our visions. We have to face down all the fire hoses, both those of our minds which inform us of the impossibility of our dreams and those of our society, that tells us to move more slowly.
But first we have to dream. Dream boldly, today of all days.
History will bend in some direction: how can we help it arc towards justice?
thinking too hard
5 years ago
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