Last night, my spouse watched mindless TV, and I decided to experiment with the 4 colored markers that we are using for the online journaling class I'm part of. Some of my fellow participants are posting pictures that show amazing color saturation. I decided to try:
My spouse went to bed early, and I decided to keep working. I wrote a bit in an old-fashioned way--by hand. For this online journaling class, I've been doing some writing in the sketch book, in addition to the writing that I include as part of the sketches.
When I was done, I wanted to so more playing with my markers. But I didn't want to do more with the above sketch. So I turned the page over.
The colored markers that we're using will bleed through the paper. For reasons I don't understand, the black markers don't bleed through. I made the sketch below, and the other side still looks the same:
I decided to add these words: "I wish I believed in guardian angels." It seems like a line that should be in a poem, so I wanted to record it here.
At some point, I'll go back through my sketches to see if I see themes emerging. I have been drawing eyes, which makes sense in the context of this course which asks us to see what we might be trying to ignore. I've also been creating a lot of winged creatures. Are they angels? Doves? Butterflies? Yes, some of all of it. In the sketch above, I was going for a descending dove shape.
I'm intrigued by how some of my sketches are very different from each other. Here is my image from Tuesday. I finished the initial image in the late afternoon and then started experimenting with black marks. Then I went to teach my Composition class. While my students worked on writing an essay, I added the lighter black marks; I was trying to make the image seem fragmented, like a glass that's shattered:
When I signed up for the class, I didn't realize I'd be inspired to make a sketch a day. It's been amazing. Even when I think I have nothing to say/write/sketch, something has bubbled up and often multiple times a day.
I'm enjoying the class beyond just the motivation. I really like seeing what others are sketching. We're making interesting comments, even though we don't know each other. I'm loving seeing the sketching/drawing techniques that others are using--and it's not like any of us are trained artists (at least, I don't think we are). We're all women, although the class was open to everyone. I'm not sure why it all interests me so much--well, actually, I am--because we all seem to be wrestling with similar questions (albeit in different arenas): what next?
I've been taking the Rupp book, my small sketchbook (8 x 6), and my markers with me everywhere I go, and I've been doing a bit of sketching that way. It really helps to have it all with me.
I've also been writing a poem a day since November started (the class started Nov. 4). I haven't been this prolific in ages.
What does any of this mean for the future? I don't know yet. But it's good to feel some creative juices flowing.
thinking too hard
5 years ago
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