This morning, on our 2 Create in Me Facebook pages, I made this post: "Two weeks ago, we'd have been in the middle of planning the Create in Me 2018 retreat. I love planning sessions that involve Bible study and art supplies. And of course, snacks and treats!"
It's not the first time that I've thought about how much better planning sessions would be with Bible study, art supplies, and treats. Of course many of us don't work in places where a Bible study would be welcome--or for that matter, art supplies.
Still, it's an interesting thought--could I create such things around the meeting, for myself, even if not for the whole group?
How would meetings change if I read a Bible lesson before leaving my office to go to a meeting? How would meetings change if I said a prayer of guidance silently before the meeting started?
If it's a long meeting, would we get more done if we took a break for art? If it's a short meeting, would we get more done if we worked on an art project together while we did the work of a meeting?
I find myself wishing for a devotional book that gave Bible readings and prayers for different kinds of meetings. I wonder if such a thing exists. I wonder if I could create it . . .
So many writing project ideas, so little time.
thinking too hard
5 years ago
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