Saturday, June 30, 2018

Monastic Retreat Cottage

For the past few weeks, I've been thinking about our cottage transformed into a monastic retreat.

I wanted to take pictures of the cottage after last Saturday's intense work.  As I looked through them, I was struck by the monastic retreat effect that we created:

The bedroom looks cozy, at least in this picture.  A headboard would make it better:

This shot shows the small bookcase--imagine it filled with interesting books on creativity and theology!

It's not a kitchen that my younger self would love.  My younger self baked in huge batches.  But perhaps it's a kitchen for how we live now (minus the dishwasher and the microwave that many people would want):

There's a parking pad in the back of the property, near the door that's usable now.  It's a parking pad, but it's only good if one has a small car and good parking skills.

I've talked about turning this space into a labyrinth, but it might be a bit small.  I also think it could make a good garden spot for meditating or writing.

As I've thought about the future of the cottage this week, I've thought of monastic retreats, but as I've said before, I haven't figured out how one would market that.

These are decisions that don't need to be made right now.  But it pleases me to have created this oasis, even if I don't know what to do with it beyond the occasional guest.

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