Sunday, January 7, 2018

The Sick Day after Epiphany

We will not be going to church today.  My spouse has been battling a cold all week, and now I'm battling it too.  And while that fact might not be enough to keep us home, if we had only us to consider, we are aware of how many people at our church are older and/or immuno-compromised in some other way.  We are only having one service, and even if we were careful not to touch anyone, we might still cough and spew out our germs.

Plus, we're both tired.  My spouse gets up, moves around for a bit, and then collapses on the sofa again.

So, we'll have another quiet day at home.   We'll eat the Epiphany bread that I made yesterday. 
I made loaves and a pan of rolls:

I'll pack away the Christmas dishes and the decorations.  I'll finish getting the house in order so that I'm ready to face the week to come.

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