Saturday, January 1, 2022

New Year, Yearning for New Prophets

I have spent this Christmas break going to my seminary's website, looking to see if my grades were posted.  So far, so good.  

I got mixed feedback for my final exam in Hebrew Bible, mixed meaning that I got compliments for some work well done, along with suggestions for improvement, even though we are at the end of class.  I am always happy for the feedback of that teaching team, especially since I am taking the second half of Hebrew Bible in the spring.  I particularly liked this feedback, since I wasn't sure of that writing:  "Good, thoughtful reflection on the 2 tasks of a prophet."

That last chunk of final exam seems a worthy post for New Year's Day.  

"Like those during the reign of Solomon, we here in the 21st century yearn for something different, a better world that isn’t breaking the backs of so many of us, a world where everyone has enough, a God who comes to live with us again. We yearn, even though we may not be able to articulate what our hearts truly desire.

A good prophet can articulate our yearnings. A powerful prophet can inspire us to be brave enough to make our yearnings take flesh and shape and meaning--and by doing so to transform society."

Happy 2022!  And here's hoping for prophets that can call us to our better selves and better societies!

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