Sunday, August 16, 2020

Video Sermon on Matthew 15: 21-28

 I created the sermon for today's recorded worship.  I did it the way I have done it since May when I put together my sermon for Pentecost.  I spent a few days thinking about the Gospel as I walked in the morning.  I thought about what I would want to say, and as I walked, I planned my video strategy.

Then I spent a few days walking with my camera and creating the video segments while I talked.  I don't write out what I'm going to say, and I don't read it.  I have a sense of what I'm going to say, and I just go with the flow on any given day.

My past 2 sermons done this way were less connected, less like a regular sermon.  Today's sermon is in some ways like a traditional sermon:  I'm trying to unpack and make sense of the Gospel message, Matthew 15:  21-28.  But I'm not standing there and talking from a pulpit.

My video is too long to embed here.  Here's the beginning segment:

To see the whole sermon, go here.  If you want to see more (sermons, book trailers, an introduction to my students), go to my YouTube channel.  

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