Monday, August 17, 2020

Prayers and Benedictions for a Return to School in a Time of Pandemic

I spent part of the week-end writing prayers for our next Sunday service.  In the past, we've spent Sundays in August blessing backpacks, blessing students, blessing teachers, and blessing everyone who works in a school setting.  I have wondered if we would do some sort of blessing this year, particularly when we're all in need of blessings.

Our worship service is now recorded and assembled in advance.  My pastor sends out pieces for people to read and record.  I volunteered to write prayers and benedictions for people to read.

As I was writing them, I thought they might be useful to others.  If you'd like to use them in a worship/blessing setting, feel free.  And of course, if you need words as you pray for those of us in school settings, here are some to use:


God of every wisdom, be with us as we head back to school, and stay with us on our journey towards graduation. Grant us open minds, ready to be filled with new knowledge.  Open the hearts of all of our teachers.  Be a comfort to all who support the students and teachers.  Spread your protective wings over us all to keep us safe as we learn.

Creator God, be with us when we’re scared.  We know that we will often come to you as  whimpering, tired, stressed out creatures in need of restoration.  Let us remember that we are loved.  Let us love others the way that you love all of your creation.

God of renewal, when it feels like we're stuck in a never-ending season, send us signs that new life is sprouting.  During this time when life feels increasingly precarious, let us remember that you steer us towards a brighter future.  During times when we feel that no one appreciates our efforts, remind us that we are cherished in a larger way.

Comforter God, be with us as we start a school year that may look like nothing we wanted to experience. Help us to adapt.  Be with us as we make all the necessary adjustments.   Let us be open to all the moments of grace that will come our way. 

Dear God, we ask you to be with teachers and students.  May teachers remember the precious lives they hold in their hands.  May students be able to understand the wisdom of their teachers and to see the illumination lying underneath.  May teachers and teachers learn from each other.

Nurturing God, today we pray for those who work behind the scenes to keep schools running smoothly.  We pray for all the administrators who keep track of all the metrics.  We pray for school board members.  We pray for those who create lessons for children they will never meet.  We pray for parents, grandparents and other adults, many of whom are doing tasks they were never trained to do.  Keep them all focused on the work that is so vital and so rarely fully appreciated.

Electrifying Creator, we pray for all the infrastructure, which is even more necessary this year.  We pray for all the people who keep the electricity flowing and the parts of the internet connected.  We pray for those who must pay the bills for the technology that keeps distance learning working. 

Comforter God, our lives contain so much which makes us anxious.  Help us to partner with you so that we can harness our energies to channel them away from anxieties and towards the transformation of the world.

God our greatest teacher, there are too many days when we do not seem filled with knowledge.  Remind us of your grace.  Help us to accept the teaching of others.  Sanctify us so that we may be full of goodness.

Lord God you have promised to deliver us from all our fears.  Let us always look to you with shining faces.  Let us always dine on your wisdom and declare that the Lord is good.

God, you know that we are stooped over with heavy burdens.  Help us to shoulder the load.  Help us to bear one another’s burdens.  Let companionship lighten the load, and let us be gentle to each other.



As we learn to navigate in new ways, may we remember that we have all sorts of guidance.

May we see new possibilities, even as we adjust to situations that are less than ideal.

When our eyes are tired because of staring at too many screens, may we remember to take a break.

May we all have patience as we deal with challenges and disappointments.

When we’re exhausted, may we remember to rest.  May we always look for ways of renewal to refresh us.

May we all remember the wider ways of learning that are open to us now.

When we’re terrified by fears large and small, may we remember that a powerful God holds us and protects us.

May we be inspired to create new worlds in new ways.

When we miss our friends, may we remember that there are other ways to stay connected

May we all be reminded that our work is vital.  May we have the energy to do it.

God our greatest teacher, there are too many days when we do not seem filled with knowledge.  Remind us of your grace.  Help us to accept the teaching of others.  Sanctify us so that we may be full of goodness.

Lord God you have promised to deliver us from all our fears.  Let us always look to you with radiant faces.  Let us always taste of life and declare that the Lord is good.

God, you know that we are stooped over with heavy burdens.  Help us to shoulder the load.  Help us to bear one another’s burdens.  Let companionship lighten the load, and let us be gentle to each other.


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