This has been a week of loss. On Monday, I heard about the death of John Singleton, director of Boyz in the Hood and other important films. I was struck by how young the director was--50, just a few years younger than my age of 53. The death of someone in my age neighborhood always spooks me a bit, but especially when they've done important work and could have done more important work, if given the time.
It spooks me even more when a younger person dies. The news of the death of Rachel Held Evans hit me hard yesterday.
She had been in medical trouble for a few weeks, but because she was 37, I thought she'd pull through. She had flu, got antibiotics, and her brain started having seizures. She was put into a medically induced coma, and on Friday, her condition worsened. She died yesterday.
I first became aware of her through her blog, and her blog was always my favorite of her writing. I read Searching for Sunday, underlined a few spots, but ended up passing the book along, as I knew I wouldn't reread it. I've been trying to remember if I read her book about Biblical womanhood--I feel like I might have.
But I'm sad about the work she won't be able to do now. I know that her work gave many people hope in the face of doubt, and I thought it would be interesting to see how she weathered the storms that come with mid-life and old age. She had already shown refreshing honesty in the face of serious questions and opposition.
I'm also stunned that she was in the hospital, but died anyway. I tend to see the hospital as a place to avoid at all costs, so I'm surprised at my surprise. I'm also fretful because a friend of mine is in the hospital with some sort of intestinal blockage. I'm spooked here too.
It's been the kind of week with all sorts of reminders of our mortality, along with other losses. I've had lots of weeks of stress at work, and my spouse found out this week that he will not even be interviewed for the Philosophy position that was open at his favorite campus.
In many ways, so many of our dreams and fervent hopes have come true, like this house. But this week reminded me, again and again, that time is short, and it could come crashing to a halt all too soon.
We ended the day by listening to the Chanticleer CD How Sweet the Sound: Spirituals & Traditional Gospel Music; I am listening to my spouse sing along on "Amazing Grace," his beautiful voice merging with the awe-inspiring voices on the CD. It was appropriate for a day when we lost Rachel Held Evans, an amazing voice gone too soon, and a week of other losses.
thinking too hard
5 years ago
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