One of the delightful parts of the online journaling class that I took last fall has been the continuation of the relationships. I am now Facebook friends with most of the participants, and as with most of my Facebook friends, I'm always interested to see what they're up to.
Earlier this week, one of them posted some art that reminded me of the art that she'd created for the journaling class. I went back to the closed Facebook page that was created for our class, and I spent some wonderful time scrolling back through our posts. We did some amazing work. It's no wonder that I've found myself missing the energy of that time.
That class was so amazing in so many ways, both expected and unexpected. I was struck by the insights that we shared--struck at the time that we shared them, and then again, six months later, as I read back through them this week.
At some point soon, I want to write up something more formal that talks about why an online retreat can be so powerful--in similar ways to meeting onground, and in profoundly different, but no less important, ways.
But more immediately, I want to get back to this kind of journaling on a more regular basis.
thinking too hard
5 years ago
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