It seems like a very long time ago that we elected a new bishop to lead our Synod.
In some ways, it has been a long time. We gathered in early May, and here it is, almost September. In the meantime, our national assembly has elected a woman as the head of the whole ELCA. Yes, a female bishop.
We had several female candidates for bishop for the Florida-Bahamas Synod back in May, but in the end, we elected a man. Happily, I liked him very much. Happily, I felt the same way about all the candidates: they all seemed quite capable and quite inspired. I came away still not sure of specific plans, but I also think that one can't determine specific plans until one is actually in the job.
So today, almost 4 months later, we install our new bishop. We've all been invited, but I won't be going, even though I'm mildly interested. It will be at least a 6 hour drive to get to the church where the installation is happening. That's a lot of gas money, not to mention the time it will take, and the resulting exhaustion.
No, I will stay put right here. I will pray for our new Bishop. I will sort through my cloth for our quilting table at our September 8 work day at the church to celebrate 25 years of being the ELCA. I will try to be mindful throughout the day as I look for other ways to serve.
I will pray for our new Synod bishop, and I will pray for our ELCA bishop. I will pray for the Church, both the ELCA and all Christians. I'm an ecumenical gal, so I will also be praying for my brothers and sisters who worship the Divine in different ways.
thinking too hard
5 years ago