Saturday, April 14, 2012

Our Lenten Journey in Altarscape Form Comes to Its Conclusion

Strange to think of all the transitions that happen during the last few days of Holy Week.  On Maundy Thursday, we began with a Lenten altar (above). 

Of course, all is stripped away at the end of that service.  In some ways it's a terrifying reminder of all that will be stripped away from all of us.

Above you see our Good Friday altar.  Our stripped altar reveals a beautiful marble.  It's not nearly as austere as some of the stripped altars I've seen.

Below, a close up of the Good Friday altar.

On Holy Saturday, we arrived to get the sanctuary ready for Easter.  We wanted something to hang on the bare branches, and we came up with the idea of origami cranes.

Luckily there are people far more talented at origami than I am.  My cranes looked crippled and crumpled.  They were Good Friday cranes, not Resurrection cranes.

Above, the cranes from a distance.  Below, the cranes up close.

With some flowers that will later be transplanted in the butterfly gardens, the transformation is complete!

Below, a view from the side of the chancel.  I love the profusion of flowers and cranes, all the colors, with the choir in the background.

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