Sunday, January 31, 2021

Video Sermon for Mark 1: 21-28

My church is going back to mostly virtual church services.  At this point, we plan to gather in person, in the back acreage, socially distanced, on the first Sunday of the month.

Last Sunday, my pastor asked me if I would like to do the sermon  for this Sunday (today), and I said yes.  I will always say yes, unless . . . well, ordinarily, I'd say unless I'm traveling to a place where I can't be sure I'll have internet access, but that would only be Mepkin Abbey, and I'm not sure when I'll get back there.

I did the sermon, but it's too big to post on this blog.  Here's a taste, to whet your appetite.

To see the whole sermon, go here.  And feel free to explore the rest of my YouTube channel.

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