In later years, I wonder what I'll look back on and wonder why I didn't write more about that. I go back to my journals that I kept in college, and I'm always very surprised by what huge national and international events get no mention in those pages.
I feel like I should write more about the impeachment proceedings of this week. Frankly, I imagine that with the advantage of years between the Trump administration and the future, we will look back and wonder why this incident warranted impeachment, while so many other issues slid right by.
It's been the kind of week where I've been working intensely at work to get ready for a mock accreditation visit by Corporate folks today. I've had evening meetings and a variety of obligations. Race, race, hurry, hurry. I've been more frazzled than usual.
When I come up for air, I check the news to see what new part of our long, national nightmare has been revealed. Some part of me always wonders if I'm not reading some dark satire. And then I dive deep into work again.
It's not the kind of work for which one will ever be awarded the MacArthur genius award. Sigh.
These are the days when a variety of cultures celebrate high, holy days. It's a hinge time between seasons. It's a time when I wish I could slow down and savor the shift.
Let me look for ways to do that as I move through the next days.
thinking too hard
5 years ago
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