Monday, April 8, 2019

BOLD Justice Nehemiah Action Tonight: Join Us

As Christians, we're called not just to do charity work, but also to do the justice work necessary so that our societies no longer need charity work.

In Broward county, in South Florida, BOLD Justice, an ecumenical group has been meeting for ten (!) years to demand justice from our local leaders. Some years we've worked on housing issues, some years dental issues, and so on. We make real changes.

This year, we continue to work on preventing senior abuse in nursing homes and helping keep those with mental illnesses out of the criminal justice system. Tonight's rally is where we have politicians join us, and we ask them to work for change. The more people who come, the more they might agree to working for change. 

It's at 7:30 p.m. at St. David Catholic Church, 3900 S. University Drive, Davie. Registration starts at 7. Our group is Trinity Lutheran Church--inside, you'll see the various signs.

All are welcome!

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