Over at my creativity blog, I wrote this post about a woman who has resolved to do one cartwheel a week. It sounds so simple: a cartwheel a week. It keeps her strong and flexible. It keeps her in touch with what she loved as a child.
As always, my brain has shifted to our spiritual lives and whether or not we can do something similar to keep our spiritual selves supple and joy-filled.
What did we love as children? What focused our attention on God?
For some of us, it may have been when we were out in the natural world that we were closest to God. Maybe we had a great experience in Sunday School or Vacation Bible School. Maybe we loved singing in the children's choir. Maybe we loved the majesty of the liturgy. Maybe we loved making banners and Christmon ornaments and all the decorations that announced the changing of the liturgical seasons. Maybe we loved the stories that we heard.
How can we recapture that in our adult lives?
There's so much about being an adult member of a congregation that can strip the joy out of our spiritual lives. There's the leaking roof and all the other financial issues that can take up so much time. There might be interpersonal conflicts. We might wish that our church and congregation was more one way and less another way.
All of those issues can make us forget about God, God who should be the focus of it all. It's time to get back to what can bring us closer to God, back to what will enrich that relationship.
It's never too late to make a Christmon!
thinking too hard
5 years ago