Monday, September 2, 2024

Education Prayers for Parents and Children

Yesterday, I was writing an e-mail, and I thought that part of it made a good prayer petition.  Let me record it here.

Here's the wording from the e-mail:  "And here's hoping that tired parents feel a spark of hope--and remember that they are doing good and hard work, and people are praying for them."

Here's how I would change it into a more prayerful language:  We pray for tired parents everywhere.  Let them feel a spark of hope.  Let them remember that they are doing good and hard work, and people are praying for them.

I would also add a prayer petition to pray for children:  We pray for children as they adjust to school.  Let children settle into positive and life-giving routines.  Let their brains be nourished, and let them realize that learning brings joy.

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