Thursday, July 11, 2024

Opening Liturgy of Hope for Advent and Other Seasons

We had Advent themed morning worship on Tuesday at Lutheridge's Music Week, a delightful Christmas in July kind of vibe.  I was particularly struck by the opening liturgy, a responsive reading:

One (our chaplain read this part):  The world says, "All is lost."

Many:  God says, "All is loved."

One:  The darkness says, "The light is dying."

Many:  The light says, "The fire is catching."

One:  Fear says, "Cover your eyes and your ears."

Many:  Hope says, "Wait, watch, and listen."

My first thought was "What a great Advent liturgy!"  But then I thought about how appropriate it would be in many other circumstances, a major reason why I wanted to capture it here.

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