Friday, April 26, 2024

Leading My First Funeral

This week-end I will help lead a funeral for my mom's cousin, Bob Hughes.  I've been part of the planning of it, and soon I need to type some final edits into the document.

I could have led this funeral even if I didn't have the SAM position, but I did check in with my Synod supervisor, just to make sure I was on solid ground.  My cousin was a beloved part of the community of Faith Lutheran in Bristol, TN; several of the members were children in the church with him, and his mom and dad, Martha and Haskell, were deeply involved members until their deaths.

It's been interesting to plan this funeral, which won't be a traditional Lutheran one, while also taking a Foundations of Worship class.  One of the assignments for that class was to plan my own funeral.  The verses that I chose for my funeral are the ones we'll be using for Bob's funeral.  The music will be different; my mom is supplying the music for Bob's funeral, which is another interesting element.

I have prayed a lot, and I have rehearsed it all in my mind.  I really want it to go well, and I think that it will.  It will have elements of a Quaker funeral, where everyone has ample chances to speak and remember Bob.  We will also have a Moravian Love Feast, which is like a Eucharist, but a little more inclusive than some Christian Eucharist celebrations would be.

It will be my first funeral that I'm leading.  I am honored to have been chosen.

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