Thursday, October 5, 2023

Sin and Seventh Graders

During the Confirmation Camp week-end, I didn't lead the group discussions, not small groups and not the large groups.  When we were in the large group, I kept saying to myself, "This week-end is not about me.  Do not answer the questions.  Do not chime in to the discussion."  For the most part, that wasn't a problem.

However, when we talked about sin, I really wanted to participate.  I was shocked and saddened by how the middle schoolers who answered the questions were so quick to talk about how humans are born sinful and full of evil.  They didn't seem to have much of a sense of God's love, and without that sense of God's love, it's not surprising that they didn't mention grace.

Oh, Augustine, you have so much to answer for!

I don't think they got their concept of original sin from their Confirmation classes, although having met many Lutherans with non-Lutheran theologies, it wouldn't surprise me.  I took a walk with a pastor friend on Monday, and we talked about Confirmation and living in the southeast part of the U.S.  Much of their theology is likely formed by their friends who are Southern Baptist or more to the right of Southern Baptists.

I realize that they are years and decades away from thinking for themselves and that they may or may not undo the harmful theologies they've picked up along the way.  I hope we've planted seeds that will sprout in the future.  We did end the week-end in the lakeside worship space, with the pastor who led the large group discussions reminding us all of God's deep love of us.

I hope they remember that God loves us, and I hope they reject the idea that God is so angry/disappointed with us that Jesus must intervene.

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