Sunday, June 7, 2020

Trinity Sunday

If I had more time, I would look up the roots of Trinity Sunday.  Why does it come so soon after Pentecost?  Are we that threatened by the events of Pentecost that we need to insert a holiday that reminds that the Holy Spirit is part of a Triune God?

Still, here we are at Trinity Sunday.  This week, I started work on a sketch. 

Over 3 days, it became a meditation on Trinity.  I think of it as a Pentecost image too--what if tongues of flame didn't look like what we expected?  What if the tongues of flame were feathered?

This morning, I thought I didn't like the paleness of the colors, but I decided to leave it alone.  Let me sit with it a bit longer before I go rushing madly back in.

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