At some point in the night, I had some trouble falling asleep, and I thought about praying. And then I wondered how long it had been since I prayed.
I spent the morning thinking about all the ways I am not the spiritually evolved person that I like to think that I am. Would my younger self see me as a smug hypocrite? Probably. She tended to see the hypocrisy of everyone of all ages.
My sneering inner voice said, "And here you are, headed off to seminary to work on getting certified to be a spiritual director. Direct yourself for a change."
Happily, my inner voice is not the voice of God. When I'm practicing discernment, I feel certain of that.
I do think I need to get back to some daily and weekly spiritual practices that help me stay grounded. I used to pray the morning prayers of the daily office, as written by Phyllis Tickle. Let me get back to that.
Advent begins on Sunday, December 1. It's the first day of the liturgical year: New Year's Day! It's a good time to begin some practices or return to them.
For many of us, the Christmas season is already in full swing. Our spiritual practices can help us remember the deeper meaning to it all.
As we get ready for Thanksgiving and then the holiday season, as we're making our plans and preparations, let's make sure to do some planning for a return to the spiritual practices that ground us.
thinking too hard
5 years ago
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