Thursday, September 28, 2017

Preparing for the Feast Day of Michael and All Angels

On September 29, the Church celebrates the role of angels in the divine plan, my prayer book tells me with the Feast Day of Michael and All Angels.  Do we need to prepare today so that we can celebrate tomorrow?

It's the kind of feast day that could slip right by--especially for those of us in denominations that don't really emphasize angels.  And yet, occasionally the angels come to even those denominations, especially at Advent.

Part of me has a light-hearted approach:  let's have angel food cake.

Or we could create in other ways.  If we created a visual representation of an angel that avoided clichés, what would they look like?

Maybe we just want to think about wings.

Or maybe we want to read.  Gabriel Garcia Marquez offers an interesting vision of winged creatures in the short story "A Very Old Man with Enormous Wings."  In "The Dead," James Joyce names his main characters after the angels Gabriel and Michael, which gives the story a resonance and richness.

What story might we create that uses angel imagery with subtlety and nuance?  Or maybe we want a poem about angels moving in the world.

If you need a meditation object to get you ready, here's a picture of a ladder of angels from the 2016 Create in Me retreat:

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