Tuesday, May 31, 2011

A Different Approach to a Ministry Report

Over the next few Sundays, our various ministries are giving reports to the congregation.  I'm chair of the labyrinth team.  I'm pretty much the whole labyrinth team, although I do have the support of our Pastor (he's helped mulch the labyrinth, he's helped with the Good Friday Stations of the Cross).

For the most part the labyrinth just sits there; people (both congregation and community members) are free to use it as they wish or don't.  So, how to create a report? 

I've been enchanted with braided labyrinths, so yesterday I created braids, and I created a small labyrinth on piece of cardboard, which I plan to stick beneath the grand piano that's in a corner of the sanctuary.  I'll let my braided labyrinth sit there, attracting attention or not, until it's time to do my report on the last Sunday of June.  It's a creative approach (and it let me play with braids of fabric!), but will it work? 

Stay tuned!

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